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Gar-Lin Dairy 2017 Dairy Appreciation Award Recipient

The Gar-Lin Dairy in Eyota, Minnesota was awarded the 2017 Dairy Appreciation Award

by the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota. It recognizes

Gary and Linda Allen and their children, Dean Allen and Dana Allen-Tully for their

outstanding contributions to the dairy industry and for supporting the education and research missions of the College. They are the owners of Gar-Lin Dairy which was founded in 1971. The Gar-Lin Dairy Farm employees 44 full-time employees and 5 part

-time employees. The dairy consists of 1,950 cows. It has a rolling herd average of

32,458 pounds of milk, 1,191 pounds of fat and 974 pounds of protein.

The College of Veterinary Medicine has worked with Gar


Lin Dairy for 14 years on


research as well as providing opportunities for student learning. Gerard Cramer, Associate

Professor from the Co


lege of Veterinary Medicine,


with the farm on a hoof trimming

research project and Les Hanson, Professor, of the University

’s A

nimal Science Department

collaborated with Gar


Lin Dairy as part of a crossbreeding study for nine years.


veterinary students have

helped become



for careers in the dairy industry



real world training

they recei

ved on the fa



Involvement with the College of Veterinary Medicine is also a benefit to Gar


Lin, Dr. Dana Allen

Tully says. “Our association with the vet school means that we’re involved in new discoveries

and have the opportunity to learn a better way of doing s

omething as we interact with the


and help the students,”



he University of Minnesota greatly value

s its

relationship with Gary and Linda Allen, Dean

Allen and Dana Allen


Tully and the ent

ire staff at the Gar


Lin Dairy and is pleased to present

them with the

Dairy Appreciation Award.

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